The Grammar
of the Independent Art Scene

berlinerpool & NON Berlin
28.08.2014 – 2.09.2014

“The Grammar of the Independent Art Scene – Glocal perspectives on Independent cultural production” is a comparative research study and a dialogue initiated by Berlinerpool Arts Network and Asia contemporary art platform NON Berlin with invited independent art spaces, artist resi- dencies, art collectives and art archives from Berlin and Korea.

& Non Berlin

A comparative study exercising the impressions of a preliminary research with gathered material from 7 selected art spaces invited by NON Berlin and Berlinerpool respectively. The public event takes the form of a presentation and archival exhibition that will represent the 14 art spaces by means of documentation in an architectural frame designed to visualize a thread of intersections to enhance a net of inter- actions.

We want to test a systematic “grammatical” approach towards the way in which content is curated and delivered by these organizations. How productive meaning can be created out of their content by making the invisible “visible”, evidencing rules of relationships between elements that make meaning possible, communicative and interactive.


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